Friday, July 17, 2009

/ babY back!!! /

yes sah!! my baby is back..

hiS back to jaga my diet... anD make me smile and laugh... my tears is all swip out!....

got to go do work now... like post new houses.. check it out k :)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

...:: thE stoRy continuEs ::...

so i am still constructing my bloG! baskeT like shit!!!!!

i'M furious... once i change template.. every gadget are removed! shit lor...

anyway, i meT shahril just now... for like 5 hours... but it was worth it baby :P...
seriously i was missing my bounchy LIKE HELL!!!! so it was was sweet meeting him just now...
yes, he looks the same but him tummy no more buncit... :(.. kinda miss it seh...
so i told him to eat and eat lotz!!! hahaha....

so at 7pm.. shah mama, his sis and me when to send shah at CCK army camp... was fun... but i'm tired now... and SHIT it's monday tomorrow.. so work work work... holiday over baby!

anyway.. now i'm at home watching Harper's Island... and yes it's HENRY that basket shit is the accomplice of wakefield.. and yes his wakefield son... WTH!!!! Pcycho...

anyway.. if you peepZ are free check my additional blog on houses at

LoVe MiZnuRy...

Thursday, July 9, 2009

** shiT! **

hey peepZ! my blog is under construction... stay in tune k..

LoVE MiZnuRy...

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

- bounchy wheRe arE you???? -

seriously i'M miSSing shahril so much!

thiS iS a LOT LIKE LOVE :(...

Monday, July 6, 2009

= noW i knoW =

so i'M miSSinG mY bounChy shahril...

don'T get thiS wronG.. i'M noT breakinG up with him..
it is jusT that he is on reservist for 2 weekS!!!..

that lonG?! sHIT!!!! i'M so boreD!!!...

toDAy is the first day... but crap.. i miSS hiS voiCE... laughteR... craP!!!
i'M in tears noW...
i bettER go drink hoT teA sinCe menseS iS killinG me.. haTe crampS!...miSS baby lotZ....

i so neeD you righT noW sayang :'( comE back to me sooN k :(...

Thursday, July 2, 2009

+ bounchY bDAy... wEEEeeeee!!! :D +

so it'S bounchY b'Day tomorrOw...
giFt giVen... plaNninG donE!.. what elSe eh???
aT leaSt somEonE iS gettinG moRe oldeR theN mE :P.. hahaha... kiddinG...
whatevER it is..
i LOVE him lotZ!