Born on 6 March 1988.. FounD loVe and get marriEd with the mosT hanDsome adorable romantiC sweeTy piE huBBy Asri Kassim!
ProuD mummY and Daddy to Qurratu&'Aini.. hypE bouncy geram cheeky smarty panTs baby girl!
Previously went to Ngee Ann Primary, Ping Yi Secondary & Ite Simei_LogistiC!
HopElessLy RomanTic, LovinG, animal lovEr especially CATZ!!! veRy manJA, sweEt macam honey, Love to laugh, CariNg, supEr supErLy stuBborN, emotional, fuNny, love pink sO sO sO sO sO mucH! LovE faShion.. super shopperholic! LoVe baBieS so So so muCh!! loVe choZ N iCe-creaM LotZ, very very bubbly like bubble :)
♥ LiVe liFe to the FuLLEsT ♥
every day is memorable and make full use of it!