Sunday, February 28, 2010

+ leaVe mE breathleSs+

thiS sonG frOm shayNe waRd toucheS mE.. although iT is sanG bY malE singeR buT the lyriCs could possiblY bE foR peoplE who are in LoVE boTh guY anD girL...

sometimEs sonGs will shoW hoW muCh you LoVE that special onE anD reaLLy neeD them in youR lifE...

If our love was a fairy tale
I would charge in and rescue you
On a yacht baby we would sail
To an island where we'd say I do

And if we had babies they would look like you
It'd be so beautiful if that came true
You don't even know how very special you are

You leave me breathless
You're everything good in my life
You leave me breathless
I still can't believe that you're mine
You just walked out of one of my dreams
So beautiful you're leaving me

And if our love was a story book
We would meet on the very first page
The last chapter would be about
How I'm thankful for the life we've made

And if we had babies they would have your eyes
I would fall deeper watching you give life
You don't even know how very special you are

You leave me breathless
You're everything good in my life
You leave me breathless
I still can't believe that you're mine
You just walked out of one of my dreams
So beautiful you're leaving me

You must have been sent from heaven to earth to change me
You're like an angel
The thing that I feel is stronger than love believe me
You're something special
I only hope that I'll one day deserve what you've given me
But all I can do is try
Every day of my life

You leave me breathless
You're everything good in my life
You leave me breathless
I still can't believe that you're mine
You just walked out of one of my dreams
So beautiful you're leaving me
You leave me breathless
You're everything good in my life
You leave me breathless
I still can't believe that you're mine
You just walked out of one of my dreams
So beautiful you're leaving me

Thursday, February 25, 2010

# iTz juSt LoVeeEeeee... #

we'Re 6th month together.. anD moRe to comE :)..

LoVinG mY Mr AsRi so muCh..

evEn hoW muCh we bicker over a small thinG...

stiLL i LoVE you so so so so so SOOOO much!!!.. MUACK!! XD...

So i DediCatE thiS sonG frOm DC (destinY chiLd) foR you honEy bunny :D..

Remember the first day when I saw your face
Remember the first day when you smiled at me
You stepped to me and you said to me
I was the woman you dreamed about
Remember the first day when you called my house
Remember the first day when you took me out
We had butterflies although we tried to hide
And we both had a beautiful night

The way we held each others hand
the way we talked the way we laughed
it felt so good to find true love
I knew right then and there you were the one

I know that he loves me cause he told me so
I know that he loves me cause his feelings show
when he stares at me you see that he cares for me
you see how he is so deep in love
I know that he loves me cause its obvious
I know that he loves me cause it's me he trusts
and he's missing me if he's not kissing me
and when he looks at me his brown eyes tells his soul

Remember the first day, the first day we kissed
remember the first day we had an argument
we apologized and then we compromised
and we haven't argued since
remember the first day we stopped playing games
remember the first day you fell in love with me
it felt so good for you to say those words
cause I felt the same way too

The way we held each others hand
the way we talked the way we laughed
it felt so good to fall in love
and I knew right then and there you were the one

I know that he loves me cause he told me so
I know that he loves me cause his feelings show
when he stares at me you see that he cares for me
you see how he is so deep in love
I know that he loves me cause its obvious
I know that he loves me cause it's me he trusts
and he's missing me if he's not kissing me
and when he looks at me her brown eyes tells his soul

I'm so happy so happy that you're in my life
and baby now that you're a part of me
you showed me
showed me the true meaning of love
and I know he loves me

I know that he loves me cause he told me so
I know that he loves me cause his feelings show
when he stares at me you see that he cares for me
you see how he is so deep in love
I know that he loves me cause its obvious
I know that he loves me cause it's me he trusts
and he's missing me if he's not kissing me
and when he looks at me his brown eyes tells his soul

he looks at me and her brown eyes tell his soul

i wiLL alWAys LoVE LoVe LoVE you mY deAR asRi...
no mattEr hoW noT you aRe...
you will alwayS be mY cuTeY ...P... monkEy :P
XoXo MiZnuRY...