Saturday, September 27, 2008

/i'M sO doWn/

foR thE firSt timE sinCE a lonG timE.. i feeL so weAK! i mean mY whole boDy is likE goinG to "Collapse" anytime like a "DOMINO"..

mY mum was so sick with fLu and that is why the fLu spreAd to mE.. iT's super annoYing and irritate me so mucH! mY noSe is super red like the Santa reindeer!

noW stuCk at work! since there is so much things to dO to closE this month accounts for my department... i'm so drowsy now.. worst still i can't even eat my medication now since i'm fasting.. so i just have to bare with it seh :{

but it's all good since we only left with 4 days to fast then it's Hari RaYa! then i can jolly well eat till i'M FAT! haha...
oH crAP!!! i haven't change the money for mY small cuZinS and nephews... i have to give them "green PackEt" cause i'm working now.. that makes me broke! but it's all good as it gives me a smile to look at the little ones to receive money :P..

i'm so siCK now but still i'm so motivated to meet my darLing shah latEr.. since we are going to courts to get my pink olympuS waterprooF & SHOCKPROOF camera! ya Ya'LL! you should get it since we are so cLumsy to drop stuff around :P
anyway, i got to go now, as i need to finish my work at a speedy pace! i'll posT soon..

hugZ & kiSses, MiZ nuRY.. muack!