i'M stiLL tiRed aS laSt weEkend oN SundaY i went to SentoSa with shaH anD hiS frenZ..
right now, i'M gettinG moRe tanE! haha.. anD cr@P!!! mY skiN oN mY noSe is likE peeLing.. ouch! :'{
buT it's aLL fuN.. wE toOk so manY pictuReZ..
- LikE t@kinG pictuReZ iN thE caB whEn oN thE waY tO SentoS@..
- whEn haVinG fun iN the seA waTer (don'T woRRy mY caMera iS stiLL in grEAT condition!) aS mY camEra is waterproof.. THANX OLYMPUS! :D..
- whiLe playing gameZ oF touCh bruSh aLa rugBy anD doG & bonE..
@t le@st it reduce my streSS of woRk and i get to spend my weEkend with my d@rLing shaH :D
anyway, Here is the pictureZ that weRe taken at SentoSA..
LoVe it LotZ!!! LoVE nuRy..
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