Wednesday, November 25, 2009

/ beautiFul souLz /

I Always ThouGht I could find LoVe anD be strong about it.. But sometime I just wanna give it aLL up… buT asRI came into my life.. change my whole world around anD bring mE.. somewhere I never been before.. so noW I know what love means..

It's so unbelievable anD I don't want to let it go... Something so beautiful... Flowing down like a waterfall.. I feel like you've always been Forever a part of me ASri...

Finally be in love - Somewhere I'd never thought I'd be...

In my heart... in my head... it's so clear now... Hold my hand you've got nothing to fear now. I was lost and you've rescued me some how asRi.. I'm alive... I'm in love you complete me...

And I've never been here before... Now I see anD feeL what love actuaLLy means...

LoVing you asRi eveRy seconD.. minute..

houR.. daY...

weeK... month.. year.. decaDE...

Sunday, November 22, 2009

...:: swEeTy babY girL ::...

mEt baby yesterday to visit his sister who just gavE birth to a baby girl named Nur Elisha Adreanna.. the new addition in asRi family...
yEs she waS adorable!
makinG me wish that i'M marrieD and having a baby :).. haha...
maybe in 3 years or 2 k.. hahaha!
so hope you love the piCtures oF sweeTy isha
(i called her that).. :)
anD oF cuZ i anD asRi gooF around as well ;)
thatS uncle asRi anD isha..
inpersonatinG "ziana Zain".. haha!
that'S me carrying isha... the cute asorable sweeTy baby ;)
i alwayS wanted her to be awake :P
that'S the boYz playinG soccer game!
he alwayS kacau isha!
nappy uZ...
tha uncles...