Thursday, November 5, 2009

+ oh no! +

so maybE i am fallinG deePly in love with asRi... like hiS so swEet... adorable little munchkin!!!
i love you baby
You're My Everything
you'Re so special to mE... lovinG me.. makinG me smile when i saD...
cracK a jokE likE a cloWn so that i will laugh anD gigglE out... that'S asRi...
One & Only
whatever happens.. i will always be tehre for you in your ups anD down.. although you are badly injureD on your hand till you have to under go 2 operations...
you have to be stronG anD get well foR yourselF... foR uZ... foR our future... we have to work haRd to achiEve our promises remember :)...

Someone Special

even foR anD houR after meeTinG you..

i started to miSS ya.. oh no!!!!...

so it has been likE 2 dayS since i last see your smile...

can'T wait foR the neXt meeT up baby..

i'll be waiting and counting... tryinG to be patience....

Loving Ur Face

hey baby...

we have to really work hard to be together likE we promiSe... to make our fairytale reality...

so that you will be my prince charminG forever...

till that day comes... i'll be waiting for you...

i loVe you priNce cuteY asRi :).. muack!!!!

you're my happy ending