Wednesday, October 22, 2008

...:: i thinG i'M toT@LLy aM iN LoVe ::...

it'S so harD too desCribe.. seriousLy.. whEn we fighT, it really sucks As we will get hurt with all thosE nasTy woRds.. buT deeP insidE we knoW that we love the person we fight with...

whEn we never fighT.. everthinG arounD uZ lookZ so good anD greaT.... like i saiD 1 daY wiThout talkinG to the person you love makeZ you miSS hiM even morE especially if he iS in NS or reservices....

buT whatevEr it is... even hoW mucH he hurt me.. i sTILL LoVE mY monkEy so much.. anD yup.. hE LoVe mE too.. hoW i know? cauSe he..

  • always make me rush home after work so i won't be tired..
  • HaTe it when i overtime till latE night..
  • carE bouT my Eating habitS! (he feed me weLL giRLS :P).. piZza.. icE cream.. choZ... pastA.. everthing that i LoVe he will geT it for me :D
  • doesN't want me to cRy whEn he hurT me..

thaT's why i LoVe my monkeY shaHriL lotZ.. as hE treAt mE liKe hiM owN princEss anD i'M grateful to haVe hiM as my boyFrienD... anD that'Z why i knoW that i aM toTallY aM iN LOVE wiTh mY humPty monkEy shaH :P whaTeveR it iS.. i wiLL pampeReD him likE mY prinCe aNd treAt hiM supErlY duperLy niCE :P ** LoVe MiZ nuRy **

...:: P/S : i missss misSSS misHHHH yoU LotZ monkEY ::...