i know you peePz was like texting and calling mE telling me and asking me "bila nak update gambar bday kau?".. seriously i'm sorry for the late late post but that's cuz it's quarter year in logistic calender... that's why i'm busy with work and stuff...
anyway, here's the piX on my 21th bday with shahril... guess where i go K :)..
let the pictureZ tell the story of my 21th bDay chapter... begin with......
mE.. at homE preparing myself to meet shah.. kinda nervous on where he taking me on my bday.. i seriously could pee on my dress.. haha :P
as usual we always took pic in the cab.. hehe.. yes! i was asleep in the cab.. the journey was long babe!
so first stop.... shah brought me to VIVO :D... so we took this so called "feeling model" picturez.. haha... but when i took a look at it.. kinda nice jugak eh.. haha
so what we were doing in VIVO??.. shah bought me GOLD CLASS GV movie tiX to watch "WATCHMEN"..
after the movie.. shah then brought me to the 2nd stop... when in the cab.. i was like pestering him.. hahaha :P
so then shah told me that our second stop is.. YAHOOOO!!! SINGAPORE FLYER :D..
we took the signature cocktail ride.... it was like WWWOOOOWWW!!!!
anD i was like jumpinG for joy :D
anD this cutey yellow heart was created by shahril for me.. i love it cuz it was cute.. and yup that's the limited edition singapore flyer lanyard.. get it k.. it's really cute..
i got this sticker kiddies book from Singapore flyer for my b'day.. it was cute k :P
we were to excited for the ride till we forgot bout our tickets.. ooopZ!
thE YAKULT RainfoRest Discovery scenery.. LAWA GILE!!! eventhough it was night and a bit pitch dark..
LoVE the timE spend with him :)
so called "SanG nuRy LoVe"... haha
when thE timE comEs to ride the Singapore FlyeR..... oooOoooooo
buT befoRe a piCtuRe foR memoriEs for SingapoRe Flyer tem :)
anD oFF we go..... wooooHHHOohooooo!
i know i know.. you were like thinking how come only 2 of us in the capsule right?.. that's cuZ we bought the Signature cocktail express ride.. anD so we got the personal capsule since there's not many people taking the ride on that day :)..
so we were taking so many piX seh... and some of the piX also are like piX from a cLub which actually it was the Lights from the capsules :)
overaLL the ride was great!!! it was like personal capsule ride and shah & me could take so many piX in the capsule without being embarrased bought it..haha!
the ride was really a memorable one as i love it lotZ! and shah broght me there... hhhaaaaaa... happy gile MiZ nuRy!!!!
the last piC in the capsule....
anD then we were oFF to ouR thiRd destination on my bDAy :D
anD we weRe so meetinG shah freNz at yishun... and that's my cutey cake.. kecik but cute ok!
shah fren.. who are close to me (shah.. buaya.. cine)..
i was really touched and happy that shah really plan again for my 21th bday... like aaaaWWwww... Thanks baby for my 21th bday surprise... i was superly duperly happy... so now it's time for me to plan for your bday soon... hehehe.....
LoVE you Mr Psykom Shahril.... muack!
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