Wednesday, September 30, 2009

- chickeN daY out :P -

so i waS hungry that day 280909....

meT Baby after work then we oFF to Tampines mall.. thinking to eaT at BK.. but it waS daMN PACK!!!

so i deciDe to go to T1 sinCe baby is craving for chickeN.. or is it chickies?? hum.. hahahaha... i confirm he crave chicken!.. since he have already gotten me as hiS darling..

so we went to thiS chicken place kinda forgot the eating place name... but it waS chicken all over.. like.. WAaaAAaaaHhhhhhhhh!!!

so heRe we aRe.. snappinG B4 dinner :P

the soup waS yummy... poWER!

LoVe the chicken skin.. grilling.. juicey!

that chicken there.. that i ordered thanX to asRi daRe challenge.. waS daMN SPICEY to the MAX!!! asRi anD i wAs sweaTing ouR aSs eatinG thiS dremlets.. OMG... try it iF you dare k..

kan kena torture! :'{

LoVe the RootbeeR Float... oH ya..

i DesiGn the icE-cream to be LoVe... aWWWwwwww...

that'S all for the dinner.. later that night, we went to find irA present...

Yes she LovE it.. cuZ it'S fill with butterfly.. and the thingS i LoVE and the thingS shE Loved!

SO here'd a dedication column from Asri & mE (nuRy) to goRgeouS iRA!

... happy b'Day babe!!!...

... even though you getting older...

... you'Re still gorgeous inside and out :) ...

... can't wait for your wedding!!!...

... where i and asRi will get you preZzziez! ...

... frenZ 4evEr ya.. muack! ...

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

= a daY wiTh asRi faMiLy :) =

so my saturday (290909) turns out to be disasterly fun :D...

fiRst i learn lotZ about asRi pass... anD whatever!.. then we have fun with the next event.. which is... "HARI RAYA VISITING!".. hehehehehe...

So firstly... i went to kaka naDia houSe... SO EXCITED to meet Danish.. thiS hotty cutey darling boy... ASRI ALWAYS kiss him! nury so jealous ;P.. hehe... while waiting for her to siap.. we chat and chat.. waS fun as we were like bonding fast...

after that we took cab anD went to asRi home... went we reach.. the boyS waS still belum siap... berlengkaH!... so we took the time to groom danish up anD snap some pics...

mY chicken little :)

that'S mE anD danisH... then witH kakak nAdia..

that's asRi faV pic...

i told you that asri likE to keromos budak budak!

that'S uZ.. on our way to asri sis in law home....

asRi will be the sweetest nicest daddy... yes, he is good in taking care of kids... hum.....

that'S uZ again... so call likE a happy married family... NOT!.. haha... but i do Love them both...

that'S me anD danish... he call me aunty... anD hiS my newest additional sweetY pie :)..

so that was the saturday plan :)...

it waS fun.. yet tiring... but i will always remember the fun and laughter on that day...

super swEetisH life...

Friday, September 25, 2009

+ 1ST weeK oF raYa +

so it'S the fiRst weEkend oF raya... hum...
Lets sEe what'S my plan over the weekEnd...

saTurday - oFF to be witH asRi family... as his sis is makinG an open houSe... so i'M lookinG forward to meeT asRi sis anD brother in law... hum... we'll see how it goeS k :)...

anywaY.. sunday will be resting day for me cuZ i have been working my asS oFF this whole week :'(
like seriously... overtime till 11pm... haiZ... tired me :'(....

anD oh ya!.. it'S salary weeK :D..
but i guess i have to save it cuZ mummy b'Day is coming :)...
got to go.. chat soon k...

i'M miSSing asRi badly...

oH waIt!!!!

i'M meeTing babY in 10 mins time..

hiS fetching me at work.. C ya on monday peePz... saYONARA :P..
happy weekends... hoLa shoEs....

LoVe nuRy... muack!!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

# flashbaCkZ - thoSe bowlinGs daTeZ 120909 #

iT waS..

BOYz vs MEN!...

fiREfightEr VS oFFicer....

so letS seE who won! oH ya... firStly kindEr bueNo aDvertisement ;p

hEre'S a piC oF mE anD pu3..

whEn babY boWl.... hum.... turKey oR holE?????

whEn asRi mEEt heRr.....

fuLL oF confident!

yEs the baLL wAs stuCk duE to somE .. ahumhum...

but in the enD it Was a faiR anD squaRe game... Fill wiTh LoVe anD SWEAT!!!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

_ SaLaM Lebaran 2009 nuRy styLe! ;) _

as i promise... i will upload the pics on raya right :).. so here it is...

oh ya... my raya day started to be bad luck :'(...

as i fall flat ground and hit my left heaD on the toilet door corner..

yeS my head is still in pain and i'm recovering form the bruise... haiZ... but that wAs all good...

i carry on putting on make up... anD oFF i go to celebrate my raya ;)

so here'S my homE decO for 2009 raya..

as i wAs as usual "vaiN" on taking so much photos :P..

heRe'S piCs oF me anD Qiqi my 3rd nephew aT nenek houSe...

that'S bobo.. noW aKA "ketam" as i call him due to the way he walk..

like left to right :P...

hiS firSt well train "salam"...

as usual.. hiS always hungry :D

hiS full oF drama k :D...

anD here'S my familY potrait for 2009 raYa :)..

LovinG it!!!

mY sis.. ketam anD me...

juSt the 3 rosEs in my family...

anD i LoVe to poSe it!

happY famiLy...

i so wanT a baby boy... hehe..

that will be after married ;P

juSt uZ cuZins...

that'S gorgeouS mE anD ain :)

preTTy sweEt sis anD me :)

Lovable dilah anD mE...

cuteY ayu anD me...

iT goEs with the height..

i cheated cuZ oF my heeLz :P

hari raya after math :D...

at my mummy criB...

so that'S about it for raya 2009.... aS you know that i felT on raya morning when i waS makinG up my face... that day baby waS working... so ya :(..

so the day after... 210909.. planning to meet baby.. but he waS sleeping... so we met at 10++ night... then we went to get ice-cream...

to be said, he have an ergent mission to meet hiS fren.. so i waS ok with it anD baby send me home... then gueSS what..

when asRi waS with hiS frens, joking and laughing their ass off... asRi feLt too :(.. anD worst still... dislocate hiS hand :'(... kesian my baby..

so here's a picture of my baby asRi... injured.... i pain.. anD have a huge swelling hand!

i really wish him to get well soon so he can meet me :'(... missing him already :'(