Thursday, September 17, 2009

...:: LoVe aT maRin@ baRRagE :) ::...

it waS sunny.. windy anD super raining day yesterday...

but it was all good ;D..

went to work as usual.. anD asri send me to work...

as usual i was sleepy.. tired..

yawning the way thru the day :P.. hehe.. sorry boss!

anyway, once punch out of work... i met asRi foR buka...

we went ParkWay Parade hawkEr centre foR "HorFun" anD "Hokkien mEE".. witH "manGo longan dessert" & "oreo crunch to go"..

yes it was yummy to the maX!..

yEs i wAs bloaTed likE a fiSh... ooopZ :O.. hahaha...

after that baby brought me to a romantic daTe to Marina BarrAgE.. AGAIN!.. hahaha.. but it waS moRe fun than the previous onE... so here'S the colouRful.. romantic.. fun piX we took :)..

yEs that wAs the colouRful fountain aT marina barraGe..

that waS the up cloSed viEw oF mE anD baby :)

iT waS intensE yet sweEt :)

mY dimplE boy :P

i will follow hiM everywheRe he go :)

thE singapoRe flyEr...

playinG peeK-A-bOo wiTh mE :P

i LoVe hiM SO mucH!

that'S so gooFy asRi.. wiTh the "mata keroL" anD "monkEy faCe"!

hE waS makinG mE laugh.. crackiNg mE up to the maX :P

muack for baby!

i coulD be the nExt mRs.... hum... maybe??? ;D

anD so he practiSe.....

aT the samE timE.. he wanted to jotoS me :'(

buT we'Re so in LoVe.....

anD so hE preFer thiS position.... LotZ!

mY baby monkEy... cuteY pie!

tryinG to seduCe mE... but so noT worKinG!.. hehehe...

that'S so mE goofyinG wiTh my fan...

i'M likE dancinG anD jumpinG arounD the fountain :)

whEn 2 worLds collide.....

hiS mY LoVE.. my baby.. my heaRt & soul...

tryinG to get him to buy mE the iCe creaM i wanTed... plAn back fired peePz!.. hahaha...

LoVe the rainbow!

miSSinG somEboDy.... hum...

it'S juSt chemistry....

aDD iT wiTh romanCe....

waTer iT witH youR truSt....

anD you will get LoVe....

our journEy oF LoVe havE juSt begun...

it'S full oF romance.. passion.. trust.. commitment...

so iN LoVe witH the 2 family...

sO wE alWAys giVe anD take 2waRds eaCh otheR weLL....

that'S so aSri & nuRy.....

i will alwayS stiCk with you baby... i PromiSe :)