i'M really am bleSseD to havE asRi as my baby boy.. mY boyfriEnd.. futuRe fianCe (insyallah)...
yEs hiS the onE who makE mE smilE & laugh..
although we bickEr anD miX-match a loT.. but ouR LoVe is stronger to overcomE that :)
yeSterdaY baby brought me to bedok coRner to eaT "gaDO gaDO".. which i have been craving since last week...
so seriously he finD the "gado gado" for Me :)..
so touchinG... AwwWwww...
that'S why i love him lotZ k :D..
on the waY to bedok corner... we saW this niCE gilE caR which to be saiD "BMW sports caR".. and the driver is thiS caucasion... but the attitude very disgustinG... sinCE we took over hiS car on the road.. anD make him road anger riSe...
anD by that, that idiot scolded my baby vulgarity!..
seriously.. come on lah.. we just overtake you cause you damn F****** sloW driver!!!...
but i'M over it few minutes later after baby bought me my "gado gado" :).. heheheheh...
after we ate late dinner... baby bought me to ECP... likE to sit and chit chat.. likE so call "dating period".. :D... which hiS fren always disturb us by saying "they are on the honeymoon mood".. hahahhaha... seriously???... you should see us together... like huggiEs anD all :)
so that's a day with hiS yesterday...
i aM in LoVe wiTh baby.. likE a lot!.. somethinG about hiS makEs my heart go thumpinG... when i met him the loVe is so stronG... hiS always there to pujuk me... get me what i crave for...
likE he sangGup buy mE "kacanGpool" after buka last week anD senD thE fooD to my houSe.. hE maDe an effort to get the "kacanGpool" anD send it to mE.. cauSe i waS so craving for me... touchinG kan :').. makE me cry oF sweeTneSS and happiness :) hiS effoRt anD LoVe iS super priceless to me :') ..
thanX baby :)
oH ya we also behave likE so call "husband and wife"... haha.... he really pampered me to the core...
that's why i LoVe hiM lotZ :)...
he will always take my breath away... take my pain away..
make me smile... feed me well.... bring me to places i never went and wish i was there... i'M so thankful to have him as my baby boy.. boyfriend... bestfren.. future fiance.....
Asri, i really am so in LoVe with you... wiSh you were here now you hoTTy firefighter ;)
LotZ oF LoVe 2 AsRi froM nuRy.....
you so win my heaRt over sinCe the day i met you..
sinCe the firSt kiSS you gavE..
i'M so thankful you are my boyfren..
I LoVe you baby... anD i'M all yourS.... muack!
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