Saturday, October 10, 2009

_ 07 tO 09 Oct 2009 _

so asRi haVe whEn to hiS hanD operation.. hiS saFe.. healthY.. oH.. i feeD him weLL you see :)

so here'S aRe hiS operation before anD aftermaTh biography.. haha!

hERe is asRi anD danisH likE a day before the opeRation (071009).. we went to kakak naDia houSe after my courSe anD work... juSt to viSit daniSh.. As asRi kinDa miSs that cuteY boy.. so heRe theY are havinG fun... peoplE alwayS mistake them for "father anD son".... likE they are so daMn cLOSED!

so that waS the day before... so on 081009, it'S timE foR baby to go operation..

i waS damn nervous shit!!! so here it is... i knoW baby smilE.. calm.. but i know deeeP insiDe asRi juSt waNNa get over it anD aRe scareD bouT the op :(

that iS hiS injuRy... pop up boneS!

that'S asRi in hiS OPeration roBe...

nervouS siCk him! i Was worried too :'(

wheN baby return after operation.. he waS damn tired anD sleepy... look at hiS hand.. biG smollen anD a bit oF hiS blood... by lookinG i knoW hiS in pain.. pooR baby :'(

thE lasT daY thaT babY waS aT hospitaL... yEs the sweeT nurSes gaVe hiM a nEW casIng bandaGe...

oH, si baby aku ni pandai pulak pick the bandage colour combination.. bluE anD black ;) ..

he also received giFt froM kakak nadia :)... sweet right :)..

anD so i also received th chocS choCs frOm asRi :D.. GF mah... besT kepe!!!...

anyway got to go noW... buT bangat at work :'(

posT soon....