Friday, October 30, 2009

/ lasT week oF ocTober /

so i did not poSt foR this wholE week.. i guEss update time!!!!

so mY schenker Team - Ira.. nurul.. Edmund.. Vivian.. Ronn.. PeiFenG.. ChunLei.. ChenPinG anD me!!! went out to dinner at Sakura at Pasir Ris on 271009... wiTh Ira fiance, nurul guy anD my Baby asRi...

so i Was damn hunGry on that day due to skip lunch... See how gelojoh i am eating lotZ oF food!..

Love the bEEf hotplaTE... very very BBQ yummy!!!

irA anD her fianCe ;)

mE anD my babay asRi ;)

ya.. the feelinG romantiC scene!

LoVE IT!!!!

thE IBM - schenker tEaM ;)

mY prawNy dEap!

oUr Flip flopZ..

As usual.. ouR pix!

cauGht in the acT..

mY breakfast anD buddy buddy!!! ;) *kam chenG ho..

did i spell the work right for buddy?? hope so ya..

so after the biG dinner.. asRi anD i walk paSS thiS shop anD saw this giant lolli which i love... End up i get 2 giant lollies for mE and danish.. sincE we were on the waY to kakak nadia houSe...

caughT thiS oF asRi and lolly.. OMGG!!!!!

yEs.. thats the asRi that i love.. who never to crack me up ;)

that's kakak with the lolli..

look at the inside :)

asRi waS like 3 months pregnant .. look at the tummy after the dinner!.. haha..

happy danish with asRi..

so i call it a day on 271009... tummy waS exploding after eating so much oF yummy japanese food...

so the aftermath... 281009....

i brought my lolli to work ;) anD took piC with iRa... WAs fun weeK ;)

that'S the weeK for the month end oF october... posT soon... :)