Friday, April 17, 2009

+ oooOoooPpzzzz +

haha.. yaya..

i was like browsing my photos at my computer when i saw this photos which i did not post... kinda miss it.. oopZ.. sorry frenZy :P..

shah will so "jotoS" me.. haha!

iT falls on 27-28 Feb 2009...

so as you know i was a natural straight hair girl.. but was itchy enough to curl my hair when i was 12.. and then when years pass.. my hair was straight back again but a bit curl.... so since i have work! i RECURL back my hair... hehe.. so here's piX shah took of me beinG in the hair saloon at Century square JYJY...

ya i know i called it piggy tail.. haha...

winking at my darling shah ;)

and yes i was bored....

so since shah spotted me lotZ.. i spot him too :P

and later we went to "BALIthai" as usual before my Pratical..

so later in the evening after my practical.. shah met me again to go BBQ at east coast... like wooohooo!!!

nana & me.. LOVE her LOTZ lotZ!!!

that cute girl is era...

mY personal chef :D

that's what he feed me :)

new invention of marshmallow chocolate :)

anD since we are celebrating not one but THREE birthday boy... we kinda have fun and be kiddy once again in life... hehe

yes.. i feel like christmas snowing.. haha

the 3 b'day boyz...

mY baby bounchy anD me...

anD as usual.. cinE is always the star in the group :).. haha...