Monday, April 20, 2009

- ZiqRi 1sT bDay -

So wE were celebratinG bounChy junioR 1sT b'Day :D..

oH ya.. for those who doesn'T knoW who is bouncHY, thaT's my youngest nephew..

called him bounchy junior cuZ shahril mY boyfrienD is bounchy anD they look exact samE..

yaya :P.. i meanT for the tummy part.. check this..

SO aM i right? :) hehe :P

cute gile kan kan kan... :D

so anyway.. the daY befoRe 180409, shah and i meT at expo to go shopping for presentZ :)..

as yoU know i am a shopaholic.. so shah, was giving me the green light to shop shop anD shop!!!.. woooHHoooo....

shah anD i boughT foR bounchy junioR a nEw "LucKy babY" pram... lawa kan... yeS i loved it anD so does shah..

the price $$$ ???..
for uS, it's priceless as we got to see baby bounchy junioR reaction with the new pram.. which we so called nickname it "mercedeS".. haha... anD we also bought Ziqri thiS cute texture book from lucky baby too :)
P?/S : i wannA same pram iF we have babies k shah :).. hehe

we also bought mY biG brother baby shaNe a baby clothinG set... anD girls... i did not pick the clothinG set.. shah did... that'S shoW hoW much he loved babies and want the babies to look damN gooD anD cute! :D.. yeS... i'm onE lucky girl to have him :)...

so on Ziqri (baby bounchy junioR) b'Day.... we went to "Keramat habib noH" at prince edward road there to "sedekah" some food and also have fun feeding the praying birds :)

but before that check out the photoZ i caught..

yeS thaTs Ziqri relaxinG with hiS "mercedeS" new pram :P

that's irfan and baby bounchy junioR Ziqri..

that's Ziqri mummy..and yes.. she's my sis :)

anD that's my mummy who i loved lotZ!

mY small cuZin haniS and siTi wiTh Rifqi and Ziqri my nephew who never fail to make me laugh.. msile.. and shout! haha....

so that when i on the way to the mosquE...

look how lovely is the mosque :)

so after donating the food and pray.. we feed the birdies... wEeewewewewEEee..

irfan was superly having fun like a 2 year old :)

anD that's me anD Ziqri caught on canDid :P

yeS.. irfan put the peas on hiS head.. haha....

anD i caught this.. bEE jusT love my eldest nephew Hidir..

so does that mean the bees think that hidir is sweeT??? hum......

after feeding the birds.. we make our way to Tanjong pagar MRT station...

anD yes, we saw a park.. anD we oF cuZ took photoZ there... wiTh jump of joy :D

loving mercedes...

seXy baby bounchy junior :P

masquerade me

mY cutey army boy..

baby bounchy 1st b'day cakE...

mY little beeBee.. yeS he dreSs up as a cuteY sweEty bee who stunG mY ASS!

thE fooD mummY cook...

did Ziqri bloW or sneEze? haha...

hE Loved my mummY lotZ.. so so too too much :D

thE party was fun habiS!.. soRRy i did not have shah photo as he was busy watching videos with my brother and nephews... waiting for the next b'Day party... i thinK it woulD be.......