Friday, October 31, 2008

++ paRteY!!! ++

i'm like so happy and so excitEd foR tomorrow.. as mY BF & mE pLuZ ouR frenZZzz aRe goinG out to celebrate shAh fren b'DAY! likE it'S been so long since i went out to partEY at night!!!

the last time i went out at night is like when i was at bangkok :P.. haha..

i miss my young days when i go out at night at have fun.. but now i have to change as i'm growing and working... i so have to hold my party day :{..

anyway peEpZ.. have a great weEkend & "happY halloweEm" :D

LoVE MiZ nuRy.. muack!

Happy Halloween
MySpace Graphics & Free Myspace Layouts

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

# i heArD & LoVe thaT #

i s@w thiS sonG froM dAVid Archuleta aT MTV likE lasT montH.. so i gueSS i geT hook up wiTh thiS sonG for quitE a whiLe..

heRe is the VideO for you peEpZ to see & lisTEn.. anD maybE sinG alonG witH the lyriCs :D

As thE lyriCs is very meaningful and CuTe.. hoPe you peEpZ LoVe iT LotZ!

LoVe.. MiZ nuRy..

I hung up the phone tonight
Something happened for the first time deep inside
It was a rush, what a rush

Cause the possibility
That you would ever feel the same way about me
It's just too much, just too much

Why do I keep running from the truth?
All I ever think about is you
You got me hypnotized, so mesmerized
And I've just got to know

Do you ever think when you're all alone
All that we can be, where this thing can go?
Am I crazy or falling in love?
Is it real or just another crush?
Do you catch a breath when I look at you?
Are you holding back like the way I do?
Cause I'm trying and trying to walk away
But I know this crush ain't goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy
Goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy

Has it ever crossed your mind
When we're hanging, spending time girl, are we just friends?
Is there more, is there more?

See it's a chance we've gotta take
Cause I believe that we can make this into something that will last
Last forever, forever

Do you ever think when you're all alone
All that we can be, where this thing can go?
Am I crazy or falling in love?
Is it real or just another crush?
Do you catch a breath when I look at you?
Are you holding back like the way I do?
Cause I'm trying and trying to walk away
But I know this crush ain't goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy
Goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy

Why do I keep running from the truth?
All I ever think about is you
You got me hypnotized, so mesmerized
And I've just got to know

Do you ever think when you're all alone
All that we can be, where this thing can go?
Am I crazy or falling in love?
Is it real or just another crush?
Do you catch a breath when I look at you?
Are you holding back like the way I do?
Cause I'm trying and trying to walk away
But I know this crush ain't goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy
This crush ain't goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy
Goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy
Goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy
Goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

_ouR moViE Mar@thoN_

haha.. at laSt i meeT mY daRlinG cutEy adOrable monkEy shaH :D.. likE i misS him lotZ lotZ!!! ouR weekEnd pLan foR thiS weEk iS "MOVIE WEEKEND"!!!!

on SatuRday afteR work... i meT shaH at TM to catCh a movie.. whiCh is hiLLariouS moviE titTLe "TropiC thundeR".. casT ben stiller and all the goofy funny actors.. thEn when the Show enD shah bouGht mE mCspicY burGer At MaC aS i WAS DAMN HUNGRY! :'{.. thanX daRlinG foR makinG me EAT :D... soonEr oR latEr youR dinosAuR wiLL be faTTy faTtY dinoSauR... :P

anYway.. SundaY waS fun.. aS it was movie marathon week foR uZ.. wE wenT to GoLd CL@sS aT Vivo to caTch MaX PaynE.. GreAt shoW peEpz! you should catCh it :D...

aT the GoLd CL@sS we ordeR GV buRgeR.. manGo mousSe & Tim suM.. whicH was so toP of the notcH! oH ya, shAH eveN bouGht me my favouRitE choC :D.. thanX deAr... anD yuP! herE is the PiX whiCh whY i LOVE mY sHahriL LotZ LotZ!

herE iS mY honEy beinG mY "humpTy monkEy" :P

cuTe right?? thaT'S why i LoVe mY babY monKey shaH :D

LoVe.. MiZ nuRy.. muack!

Friday, October 24, 2008

/baBy diNosauR MisS monKeY sO mucH/

i reALLy am miSSinG my monkeY shaHriL LotZ! likE it'S been 12 DayZ sinCe i never saW him :'{

but that'Z ok.. i'm so meetinG him todaY and this weekend.. today cuZ hiS borroWing my camera.. cause hiS off to see a rock concert at maX paviLLIon today.. anyway.. i'm kinda busy now with work.. LogiStic line is likE supER buSY and hectiC tiLL i can't even meet my guy :{ buT that'S ok.. he understand me cuZ he himself are in LogiStic line..

i reALLY LoVe thiS sonG "StiCk wiT you".. so peEpZ who arE in LoVe.. i deDicate this to ya.. and to mY baBy LoVe shah.. noBody is evEr makEs mE feEL this waY, i musT sTiCk wiT yoU 4 evER :D

HopE yoU peEpZ LoVe thiS "Stick wiT yoU" version on the SouL traIn AwaRd ShoW feAt "AVanT".. it'Z veRy thE LoVing sonG! and..... I MISS YOU LOTZ SHAH!!! :'{

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

...:: i thinG i'M toT@LLy aM iN LoVe ::...

it'S so harD too desCribe.. seriousLy.. whEn we fighT, it really sucks As we will get hurt with all thosE nasTy woRds.. buT deeP insidE we knoW that we love the person we fight with...

whEn we never fighT.. everthinG arounD uZ lookZ so good anD greaT.... like i saiD 1 daY wiThout talkinG to the person you love makeZ you miSS hiM even morE especially if he iS in NS or reservices....

buT whatevEr it is... even hoW mucH he hurt me.. i sTILL LoVE mY monkEy so much.. anD yup.. hE LoVe mE too.. hoW i know? cauSe he..

  • always make me rush home after work so i won't be tired..
  • HaTe it when i overtime till latE night..
  • carE bouT my Eating habitS! (he feed me weLL giRLS :P).. piZza.. icE cream.. choZ... pastA.. everthing that i LoVe he will geT it for me :D
  • doesN't want me to cRy whEn he hurT me..

thaT's why i LoVe my monkeY shaHriL lotZ.. as hE treAt mE liKe hiM owN princEss anD i'M grateful to haVe hiM as my boyFrienD... anD that'Z why i knoW that i aM toTallY aM iN LOVE wiTh mY humPty monkEy shaH :P whaTeveR it iS.. i wiLL pampeReD him likE mY prinCe aNd treAt hiM supErlY duperLy niCE :P ** LoVe MiZ nuRy **

...:: P/S : i missss misSSS misHHHH yoU LotZ monkEY ::...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

** i'M so ******* pisT!!! **

i'M like so pist.. upsEt that mE weEkend suCks cauSe shah neVer meet me to go to hiS frEn "opEn houSe".. anD ya.. oF COURSE I MISS MISS MISS MISS HIM SO MUCH.. anD i'm likE looking forward to that sunday and this SHIT happen!!! what the ****!

i'M so borEd at homE.. stupiD raiN make it worsT!!! luckily i have SCV so that i could cover all my huRT.. saDNESS aWAY... sTUPID SHIT boyfriend oF minE..... i'm seRiously so upsET of it!!! but luckily i'm taking off on monday as it'S mummy b'DAy :P

seRiouSLY hoW harD is It to saY "happY biRthDay" to somEonE??? weLL.. buT monKey bF jusT can'T say it.. i gueSS hiS tounguE tighT to saY it to mY mum... seRiousLy likE i celebratE hiS mOTHER B'DAY last week but like when comes to my mummy b'Day this week.. he never even vISIT MY HOUSE and he just tonGuE TIGHT TO SAy "haPPy birtHDAY" to mY mummy ON THE ******* PHONe..

SERIOUSLY... i'M so disaPPOINTED in him... stupiD MONKEY! he BETTER GET me the chocoLATEZ FROM CANDY EMPIRE now!!!!!!!!!! NOW i'm really MISSING YOU BADLY :'{

Saturday, October 18, 2008

- thE weEkenD is heRE :D -

weEkenD is here.. so it'Z paRtE timE!!!

i'm so gonna enjoy my weekend this week as i'm off to Go "rumaH teRbuka" so called open houSe for this hari raya.. shahRil fren is inviting us over to his house for open house.. so i'M so gonna Eat so much till i gain weiGHT! :D i haTe being skinny and small.. look likE i'm sick with anorexia :P haha..

anyway.. it's been like a while since i listen to this song from PCD [the pussycat dolls].. thEy arE so daMn hoT peEpz! thE sonG tittle is "take ovEr thE woRLd"..

whiCh i know that they are takin over the mucic world... with their creativity.. grEat voicEs & hoT dance moveZ!..

anyway.. hopE you enjoY thiS sonG "Take over the worLd" froM PCD! -EnjoY! :D

LoVe MiZ nuRy.. muack!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

= haPpy haPPy MiZ nuRy & sH@h :D =

i'M daMn haPpy that i could geT over oF my probleM anD imotions :D .. yeS saH!

weLL thiS weEkenD i wenT ouT wiTh mY daRling shaH anD hiS swEeteSt cuTest buncheS friendlieSt funniEst frenS.. so fun..
wE start ouR haRi raYa "serBu" from 2pm++ and enD at 2am++.. i know you aRe thinkIng that we arE daMn crAzy but weLL iT's "HARI rAYA seH"!! haha..
anyway here is some of the meMoraBle pictureZ..

oN ouR waY to meEt shAh frenZ..

ouR "HaRi rAya viSitinG"...

mY loVinG boYfrienD sHah & mE :D..

yuP.. tiLL niGht!

anYway.. foR morE pictureZ oF this outinG.. cheCk out my friendster gallery at ok :P

goT to go noW as i have to much work in office :P.. see ya :D

huGz & kisSeZ, MiZ nuRy.. muack!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

++ i'M sO huRt ++

SERIOUSLY.. i jusT can'T foRget what happen lasT saturDay 4 October 2008 :'{..

it'S likE hurTing mE so much.. so baD.. i can't even concentrate with my woRk.. i keep fighTing with my boyfriend cause of this.. you should be thinking what is the problem that makes me hurt so much right?..

i'M like hurt that my guY and hiS family went to hiS small brother girlfriend house... i won't be hurt if i was treated equally! but i'm hurt deep inside cause like mY GUY and HIS FAMILY DID NOT VISIT My house at all.. when his small brother girlfiend house is super near my home.. seriously i'm like super hurt :'{.. even trying this posT makes me tear in my eyes :'{
like after what i do.. like helping them when moving their house... cleaning up their house when raya... buying his mother b'day cake and so much more.. and likE they never viSIT my HOUSE at all :'{
when my guy small brother girlfriend just did not do what i did to my guy family.. do you think it's fair? :'{

like this is the 1st time i hurt so much after my daddy pass away when i was 12.. i know like you will say get over it nuRy! but i'm trying and i just can't cause i'm hurting too too too much :'{

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

# mY 2008 HaRi R@yA @iDiLfiTri #

toDay iS likE the mosT haPPiest daY for mY religion aS wE aRe ceLabrating "HarI RaY@ AiDiLfiTrI".. the VictorY oF uS fasTing foR 30 dayS..

kiDz aRe moRe haPpieR then uZ aS theY arE collecting grEEn packeTs frOm thE aDuLts..
anD weLL, i can'T run away from iT aS sinCe i'M alReadY worKing SO i'M goinG to giVe grEEn packEts to thE kidDies :D

hErE iS the picTureZ oF mE.. mY hoMe & mY f@MiLy memberS whiLe preParinG tO gO tO granDmA houSe :D..

noW.. piCtuReZ oF mE & mY faMiLy aT mY granDma houSe..

iT waS thE meMoraBLe dAy foR mE aS wE tOok sO manY pictuReZ anD uPdaTe onE anotheR abouT ouR liFe noW.. i reALLy miSs mY cuZinS aS wE onLy meeT onCe iN a BLuE moOn aS aLL oF uS aRe DAmN buSy.. sO i won'T waSte thiS opPoRtuniTy :D..

LoVe nuRy.. muack!