Saturday, October 31, 2009

_ mY LoVe _

it's saturday.. i'm working as usual for overtime since it's the month end..

missinG my babay asRi so much! which he waS here beside me to entertain me..
I miss you..

Missing You

i realise that he waS sick.. with fever.. my poor baby..

sorry i'm not there.. gET well soon sayang..

so you can partey with me or meet me up for ice cream :(...


Feel Better


Happy Birthday Girl!

anD it's kakak nadia birthday today.. so i dedicate this post to "KAKAK NADIA!!!"

happy b'Day kakak!!!

i know you're one age up but SO??!!! age doesn't matter as long we think young anD stay positive in life.. someone out there will be the one for you.. just waIt k.. tuhan will show him to you one day... anyway live life to the fullest..

Happy B DayHappy Birthday

ENJOY!!! and happy biG BIG

birthday kakak :)
Happy Birthday
to asRi my baby boy.. no matter what..
i will always be there for you to LOVE you...
anD jaga you.. muack!
Girl Who Loves You
I Love YouMuah!

Friday, October 30, 2009

/ lasT week oF ocTober /

so i did not poSt foR this wholE week.. i guEss update time!!!!

so mY schenker Team - Ira.. nurul.. Edmund.. Vivian.. Ronn.. PeiFenG.. ChunLei.. ChenPinG anD me!!! went out to dinner at Sakura at Pasir Ris on 271009... wiTh Ira fiance, nurul guy anD my Baby asRi...

so i Was damn hunGry on that day due to skip lunch... See how gelojoh i am eating lotZ oF food!..

Love the bEEf hotplaTE... very very BBQ yummy!!!

irA anD her fianCe ;)

mE anD my babay asRi ;)

ya.. the feelinG romantiC scene!

LoVE IT!!!!

thE IBM - schenker tEaM ;)

mY prawNy dEap!

oUr Flip flopZ..

As usual.. ouR pix!

cauGht in the acT..

mY breakfast anD buddy buddy!!! ;) *kam chenG ho..

did i spell the work right for buddy?? hope so ya..

so after the biG dinner.. asRi anD i walk paSS thiS shop anD saw this giant lolli which i love... End up i get 2 giant lollies for mE and danish.. sincE we were on the waY to kakak nadia houSe...

caughT thiS oF asRi and lolly.. OMGG!!!!!

yEs.. thats the asRi that i love.. who never to crack me up ;)

that's kakak with the lolli..

look at the inside :)

asRi waS like 3 months pregnant .. look at the tummy after the dinner!.. haha..

happy danish with asRi..

so i call it a day on 271009... tummy waS exploding after eating so much oF yummy japanese food...

so the aftermath... 281009....

i brought my lolli to work ;) anD took piC with iRa... WAs fun weeK ;)

that'S the weeK for the month end oF october... posT soon... :)