Wednesday, November 26, 2008

/fuTuRe pLanZ/

mummY'S back.. miSS her lotZ.. shE brought homE so many goodies likE a lot.. from fruitZ to ChiLLies.. then to cLothinG.. At leasT it saVe me lotZ from needing to buy "Hari Raya Haji" clothing :D.. haha.. anyway, i'm happY that she'S happy.. at least the vacation that we gave her it worth it..

i also meet my monkeY humpTy shAh at late afternoon.. anD ya.. we again wenT to Ramen teN!! haha.. one oF the favouritE placeS to go in the easT side.. wE eat lotZ oF sushI and also mosHi baLLz.. heRe's arE somE oF the pictureZ at raMenZ that we toOk :D

fuNNY righT thE pictureZ :D.. haha.. i reaLLY loVe susHi and sO doEs my daRling shaH.. anywaY afteR eatinG.. we weNt to geT tickeTs to caTch a moviE tittLE "boDy oF LieS".. it waS a greAt shoW abouT waR anD teRrosIst.. caTch iT iF you have thE time k :D

anyWay before we catch the moviE.. we went to thE arCade :D.. that'S to relaX ouR minD and refresH uS from woRK!.. here's aLL the fuNNY pictuRez...

theN we oFF to the moviEs... afteR that wE siT and chaT bouT ouR future... proBlems anD aLL.. anYway i'll post soon.. busY busY me got to go :P

LoVE nuRy.......