Wednesday, December 31, 2008

/ heLLo 2009 /

New Year

it'S the eVe oF neW yeaR!!!..

sO.. heRe i am at home posting my blog.. ya Ya.. what a boring girl i am for not going out to celebrate the new Year.. but weLL.. it's not my fauLt when my BF is going out with his "boyS team".. ya whatever...

i'M stiLL bump bout it!!!

anyway.. yesterday i went to courts.... to find a new Handphone... then shah and me head out to IKEA to get a bite...

i when to bought this caramel ice-cream (which was damn bloody delicious) and shah just bought a hotdog.. later he went out with his fren as they were having probs.. and off i went home..

so continue bout today...

WeLL today i was on leave.. as i was super stress with work.. as i have so much work but my pay is still the same without an increment... i so going to talk to my manager soon..

anyway, this year for "New Year".. i'm celebrating my night and day with my family... as last year i went out with shah already.. so ya... but my heart really wanna go out and partey with my BF.. but maybe "god" just want me to be a good girl and be home... yes i'm still sad over it... but whatever it is.. it's been fun at home resting :D

i'm so going off now as i'm counting every hour.. minute and seconds!


i just wanna wish everyone.. a "Happy NeW yEar"...

have a wonderful life ahead in 2009...

change for the better..


LoVE MiZ nuRy... muack!

"Happy 2009 everyonE!"

Happy New Year
Starry New Year
New Year
Pop Til Ya Drop
New Year

Happy New Year

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

...:: mY MOoD FOr TOdAY ::...

weLL.. i'm kinDa veRy bumP!! very angry.. upset and verY strESS!!!!! sooner or later i will go to depression...


cuZ my work load is so much till i can't control... with problems around my belt to be handle by me.... when it's not my fault... haiZ...... i'M so stress... neeD my choC choC now :'(
anyway.. meeting shah today.. at least that will make my mood up :D

posT tommorroW...

Monday, December 29, 2008

** No oNe LoVes yoU LiKe i LoVe yoU **

Who's gonna love you baby
Who's gonna be there for you
Who's gonna keep the faith the way that I do
Who's gonna hold you down
Pick you up off the ground
Who's gonna make your day the way that I do

No one loves you like I love you
No one in the world

** DedicaTe this sonG to my BF shahRiL **
i'M verY touCh on what you did just now shaH...
that shoWs hoW muCh you LOVE mE LotZ LotZ...
ThankS deAr...
LoVe you LotZ humPty monkEy!!! muack!

- heaRtbrokEn baBy dinoSauR -

feElinGs can'T change within seconds.. minuteS.. houRs.. iT takes timE to changE it.. so does aTTituDe...

anyway.. my weeKend was spending time with my faMiLy and Shah.. likE shah & i went to CourTs to look for our new HP... and it cost a bomb.. but i love it lotZ... and later we talk things out..

I just can'T help to just be hurt.. cry.. and upset... we have been so long together and it's so hard if we ought to let go... haiZ...

Am i in LoVe?... yeS...

what can i do when i have that feelings.... i just can't let him go that easily... it's so hard for me to get over it :'(... anD it'S haRd for him to get over me.. how i know? shah told me...

we talk bout our relationship.. and i know that i've been naughty towards him as in at time i could be so stubborn and step over his head without realising it... maybe the fight is worth it as it will make us stronger and changes for the better.. right? :)

shah also told me like this girl LOVE him...

as in LOVE LOVE him... and that girl would even wait for SHAH...

seriously, if you were in my shoes.. what would you feeL?

this is what i do when shah told me that... i just burst out crying with tears... as it hurts so bad...

EVEnTHOUGH he told me the truth and told the girl that his attached with me... but still i'm just hurt and scared... and my paranoid thinking start to kick in... I just have to get over it even how much it hurts me till today :'(

and the worst think.. everytime i think about it.. my heart is like beating so fast as if it will anytime jump out.. and it really hurts me... i'm 1/4 heatbroken... and yup i'm very much hurting and crying so much in my heart now :'(

"dear god.. please cure my heart as i still want to live my life... please remove this pain from my heart away as i really love him but i am not strong enough to be hurt by him.. heartbroken or loose him.... please god i'm really sick now as everynight when i wanna go to bed, i will cry and my heart start to beat so fast.... i keep having fever and headache... please god i beg you... this time around i really need you by my side"

Saturday, December 27, 2008

= woRk & woRk & moRe oF .... =

woRK!!! i'm like so tirEd.. even hoW much i work... my piLe oF paper is still up... like crap!!!

anyway... that day i was really having my downturn..
i mean i almost half crazy... heartbroken and all... having this fight with my monkey... but now we are stronger and ok....

it really scares me when we fight.. seriously i just do not wanna loose him cuz i LoVE him to to to so so so much....

" please god.. heLp mE gaiN strenGth anD tuRn 2 a neW leAf in 2009"

anyway that's all for today post... ya i know it's short but i'm busy here at work! haha...
i saw this cute top at topshop online... checkers tube top with ribbon... but when i use it i feel like a present.. haha... noW i'm thinking.. should i get it or not??

LoVE MiZ nuRy....

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

++ MerrY ChrIstmAs ++

MerRy ChristmaS eveRyboDy!!!
wishinG you a great health and happiness in the years to come.....
spend this holiday with your loved ones....

Merry Christmas

LoVE MiZ nuRy...

Family and FriendsHappy HolidaysHo Ho HoSanta

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

# why oH why #

somEtime i ask.. why oH why doEs thinGs get spoiL when SaLary is around the corner...

SeriouSLY.. mY SAmsunG SouL HP spoiL.. the screen can't even swith on... F***!!!!! noW aLL my contact aRe losT.. "DeaR frenZ oF minE" please text email me your number... haha..

don't woRRy.. i'm oFF to get a neW Hp... noT suRe whiCh onE but hEre is the photo oF it...

i wanna buy this model for my mummy :D.. NOKIA 5320 or 7210 Supernove.

anD foR my seLf.. i waNNa geT thiS NOKIA model.. N85..

noT to foRget my monkEy shaHriL.. aS he was likE compLaninG to me bout hiS HP.. so hErE's the HP that he wanted... Sony ErriCson C905.

so yuP.. thEre goEs the bonuS.. anYway.. got ot now.. posT soon
LoVe MiZ nuRy.. muack!

_mY weEkenD oN 13 tO 21 DeC (paRt 2)_

So heRe is the anotheR weEkend outing wiTh mY LoVe onEs... Let'S continuE the posT...

21 DecemBeR 2008....
ZiQri leArninG to ReaD aT Race couRse BanaNa leAf.. thE MENU!!!!

ouR LunCh iS aLL seT At thE baNanA leAf... beForE...... wE orDered thE chiCken tandoRi.. fisH cuTleT.. anD fiSh cuRRy :P

mY faV iCe creAm... Macademia nuT :P

RifQi And mE havinG fun :D

thE MinT tO remoVe the cuRRy smeLL frOm ouR mouth...

oN mY waY to meEt shaHriL to caTch a moVie..

thE moVie that we were watching iS "the day the earth sood still"... it was trilling and suspend.. i keep thinking what will happen next in the movie... worth to watch every cents :D

after that i went home kinda early as shah and me wanna watch the Singapore Vietnam soccer Match.. so ya damn it.. Singapore losT!.. so whatever... but here's some picturez of me goofying around with my nephews :P

cutE right? :P post soon peEpz.. got to Go now...

LoVE MiZ nuRy..