Monday, February 2, 2009


seriously... stop sending me text messages that you think will ruin my relationship with my boyfriend... WHICH IT WON'T WORK!!!

to be said, yes you are older than me... 23 eh?!!
but look at the way you behave, you are like making a fool of yourself infront of everyone... by blogging bout my guy behaviour doesn't get you anywhere near him...
now, his really pist with you!!!

oh ya, at the very first place, sape yang gatal mengurat sape dulu?".. nak pasal you are the one who start first as my guy was always faithful to me..
oh wait! you are the one who confess to my guy that you love him lots right! then now kau yang pist at him.. haha.. so pathetic! i really pity you, you lonely pathetic psycho bitcH!

unlike you pathetic phycho bitch! i know him better...
and unlike you, i don't bug him with financial, as i know him better... it's only $20 and you bug him like he use $2000 of your money.. come on lah... ni kau say you love him and sanggup to wait for him? haha... when you know he say, don't wait for him as his attached with me his baby dinosaur which he LOVE and ADORE so much! you are not even closed to be with him bitch! he just hate you so much now!!

you don't even know him inside and outside bout how he feels and how is he doing with his family... you don't even deserve to be fren with him!

i know you "LOVE" my guy so much.. but get over it bitch!
my boyfriend only treat you like a fren not more than that as i'm his only girl he will ever love!

i'm the only girl that is in his heart till the day he exhale hist last breath....
come on lah, by texting me all those messages, you make me more disrespect you and ya... shahril is so protecting me from you, you psycho pathetic bitch!! get over it!!....

whatever happens... shahril and me will stick together as we love each other so much that nobody could explain! we know our weakness and strong ability bout each other... and like typical psycho bitch comes by like example you, we just move on with our love life as we know we love each other so much!

and if you are daring enough to kill me or harm me... even a scratch of my skin or a drip of my blood dripping from my veins, my darling monkey shah and his frenZ will drag you to hell!!!
which THEY WILL!!!!

so stay aWAy from me and my darling, you psycho pathetic bitch!!!

oh ya, here's a picture of us together which hopefully will make you realise that he LOVE me so much!