Thursday, February 19, 2009

- saW iT anD faLL foR it -

i was like browsing at youtube when i saw this video from PCD..
very HOT.. super sexy.. watch it k :)

"dear.. i'm really missing you badly.. its been like 5 days since we met.. haiz.. i mish you LOTZ!!! :'(... you always make me smile when i'm down.. always wipe my tears away when i'm crying and hurting cuz of that bitch and some of your "so call" close fren... always there to listen to our problems and solved it.... i just miss you lots and yup miss the bounchy stomach.. your smell.. your smile.. your giggle.. and your jokes that are always sarcastic but it always makes me smile... miss you LotZ bounchy"

"i know you mish me lots tooo as you give me the 'takut' attitude dear.. it's kinda funny and really sweet as i know you LOVE me lots but to show me that side.. it really makes me very happy and blush.. i know you really LOVE me, MISH me and super adore your baby dinosaur :).. you are always there to protect me like a hero.. wish you were here as my world revolves around you"

"it's just weird that we are too busy this week and it's hard to meet.. SUCKS big time!!! but i know you are worried bout my health as you are always asking me baby dah eat? go rest?!! baby baby rest and sleep k... haha... seriously dear, i used to do that to you.. but now, it's you who jaga i and protect me lotZ.. thanx bounchy dear... i love you lots lots...... and yes... i know you stress as you are like planning for my 21th b'day.. haha! relax k baby bouchy :P... but i still want that cuppy cupcakes and my wish list!! :) hehe.. i always will LOVE you.. till death break us apart"

LoVE baby dinosaur to bouchy monkey.. muack!! :)